Facts About Black Bear Photographs For Sale

By Nelda Powers

The America black bear has been identified as the most common subspecies in this species. In the past, these graceful creatures occupied most of the forested zones in the north American continent. Their habitats of choice are usually areas that are quite inaccessible by humans and areas with ample supply of food material. Among the black bear photographs for sale are those that have been captured by enthusiasts in their wild habitats.

You may come across one roaming open country if there is a deficiency of their favorite food in the forested areas they prefer. The evident change in their way of life is mostly attributable to the influence brought by humans encroaching into their native territories. The only instances in which they have been known to openly confront people is when they feel threatened by their presence.

It is not advisable to feed prowling bears around your home or campsite as they may become violent when they seek a meal. If the campsite is in deep bear country, never allow children to wander out of your sight. In case an encounter ensues, remain calm and try to retreat when the animal looks away. Be careful with making eye contact as it may mistake it for a challenge.

Recall that a bear can outrun you on a straight course just in case you think of running away from an encounter. Sometimes, it pays to erect an electric fence around your compound to avoid the menace of unwelcome animals. At the end of the day, collect all your garbage and keep it in an area inaccessible by scavengers.

As winter nears, bears adopt a heavy feeding habit, dedicating over two thirds of their day to the search for food. This goes into the reserve of fat that they will use for survival during the deep slumber associated with winter. Females also give birth in their winter dens and have to sustain their young ones with their milk only. A lactating female is very dangerous as she can attack anything that she believes is presenting a threat to her offspring.

Males are largely solitary and do not participate in caring for the young. In fact, they may feed on young cubs if their mother is not around to offer protection. Physically, males are bigger in both height and weight, with one adult in the wild growing to a record 409 kilograms.

Once they become adults, these creatures have little to fear from natural predation. Occasionally brown bears or packs of gray wolves may confront them. Coyotes and cougars are known predators of black bear cubs but are often dissuaded by the presence of a fierce mother. Sometimes, the dens may flood with water when thawing sets in at the end of winter, killing the helpless offspring.

You may be lucky to obtain black bear photographs for sale showing these graceful creatures in their winter dens. This period is marked with physical inactivity to avoid unnecessary wastage of energy. It is quite distinct from hibernation in that the body temperature remains normal.

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