A Guide To Credit Union Accounting

By Nelda Powers

For many people credit unions are places they turn to when they have difficulty finding lenders elsewhere. It is also a good alternative for people who have debt problems but want to avoid high interest lenders. In order to ensure that the union is run effectively you have to be sure you have the right credit union accounting.

The reason this is important is that in many respects unions have more of a reputation to uphold. While all lenders are expected to follow certain standards and practises there is pressure for them to invest ethically. Therefore the records they keep need to be accurate so that people know where the money has been invested.

If you are setting something up for yourself then you need a system for your day to day transactions. There are numerous types of software that can allow you to record your transactions. It helps to look online for customer reviews so that you can find something that will provide accurate records yet at the same time also be reasonably accessible and easy to use.

The reason this is important is that any records you make are not just for you. There will often be third parties who will need to look at your records. It is vital that when they look that they see that all transactions have been properly recorded and that people know where the funds have been sent to.

There also need to be proper receipts and any funds need to be properly dispersed. This should be clearly shown so that people know where any funds are being lent. Furthermore it can demonstrate that the funds involved are being lent in the right way and that people know where their money is being lent to.

The idea is to have a ledger that allows you to mark both credit and debit. Typically credit is on the left hand side and debit is on the left hand side. The idea is that one should balance out the other. Remember to check carefully to ensure that each transaction has been properly noted and recorded.

The right candidate ought to be aware of their responsibilities. Given the nature of this type of lending the behaviour of the accountant needs to be ethical. They need to be able to prove that they know the rules and regulations about union lending and that they have recorded everything accurately. It is generally recommended that you compare at least three different accountants in order to compare their services and decide who offers the most appropriate service for you.

In short you need to be careful when looking for credit union accounting. There is a level of accountability that may result in more scrutiny than other forms of lending. This is why you need to check online to keep updated on the latest standards and practises. With the right approach you can reassure customers and any other relevant parties that your accounting has been properly recorded and demonstrate that you are adhering to all the relevant standards in your local area.

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