When It Comes To Expert Advice About Wordpress, This Article Has It In Spades

By Ronaldo Vicente

Are you ready to learn how to use WordPress, an incredibly popular choice for bloggers? If you are ready, you are in the right place to learn some great things about WordPress. Keep reading to learn how using WordPress makes blogging a lot simpler.

If your post has a lengthy title, make sure to adjust the permalink. This would be a URL that is too long: "Ten Parenting Methods For Taming Kids The Smart Way." Instead, you could use something like: "Smart Parents Control Kids" if it works with your SEO strategy.

Spend some time learning about the tools and features WordPress offers bloggers. For example, "KITCHEN SINK" gives you more format options on posts. Your admin pages will also have a "SCREEN OPTIONS" tab. Use this section to change many of your formatting elements.

Take the time to research WordPress prior to working with it. When you plan ahead, the better your site will be. Learn all you can about SEO, good content and using WordPress to your advantage.

When you are set to post, set a schedule. You will increase your motivation if you know exactly how long it's been since your last post. As a matter of fact, you can create your posts ahead of time and then use the WP scheduling feature to post them at specific times.

Clean up comments and content that don't add anything to your website. In this way, your site will be inviting and comfortable for your users. Trying using a plugin like Akismet to filter out spam.

Be sure to take special characters out of your blog post's URLs. This makes it harder for search engine spiders to index your site, so you should get rid of them. Your URLs should also be shortened to just include keywords, so they do not overwhelm your visitors.

You can improve search engine rankings if you take some time with your pictures while you're uploading them. Make sure to use alternate text and title tags. If someone uses Pinterest to pin your image, the title will be captured by the pin.

Posts are filed chronologically by default. To change the list, you must change the dates. To do this, open a single post and look for the date near the top right. Change the date after clicking on it to get it moved from the original position.

Allow users to email your articles if they want to. Additionally, make it easy for your users to share with their Facebook and Twitter friends. Take advantage of WordPress email plugins for this purpose.

Your username should not be generic. You are risking bot attack if your username is something generic like administrator or admin. Using these usernames can put your site at risk. Look at each individual page on your site and change admin or administrator usernames. Then, choose a different name.

Only use the most recent updated WordPress version available. Updates often contain security patches which eliminate any vulnerabilities. Your site is more vulnerable if you use an old version. That's why you should always download WordPress updates, to make sure your website is secure.

It isn't hard to use WordPress with the tools and information available to you. For a positive blogging venture, keep in mind what you have gleaned from this article. These tips and tricks will help you save time while making your blog a success.

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