Vancouver BC Home Inspection Service Offers Pre-Listing Services

By Lonnie Hahne

You should make it a habit to be properly prepared for any business dealings. This applies equally to the sale of a house, where you would want to be sure no unforeseen contingency will disrupt the sale. By attending to the detail up front, you can circumvent problems.

A good strategy is to get a report from Vancouver BC licensed home inspectors showing the condition of your home. This will allow you to correct any problems so your home has a clean bill of health. This will put you in a much better position when negotiating a price, as you will feel totally confident about the property.

After all, a buyer is probably going to ask for an inspection before the sale goes through. Any unpleasant last-minute surprises can easily derail a deal or will require you to put any problems right before the deal goes through. You can preempt this by having an inspection done before listing your house.

Being prepared makes it likely you will sell your house faster as buyers will not have to worry about the results of an inspection. While the buyer might still have to wait for approval of a loan, this is out of your hands. You will have done your best to make sure the sale proceeds according to plan.

Another factor is that you will be protected from any future lawsuits by being able to prove you have taken reasonable steps to uncover possible problems. It will be difficult to prove negligence or wrong-doing in the face of this evidence. You will be in a good positions to refute any claims of prior knowledge.

A firm of licensed home inspectors in Vancouver will be able to perform a very thorough inspection. You will be able to obviate a very common source of delays before you put your house on the market. Any further problems can simply be dealt with as they arise, but these are unlikely.

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