Safe Trading Tips With Paypal

Paypal payment is known as an online media ( internet payment) that is easy and fast . However , in its use paypal often very harmful , just search on google using the keywords : paypal or paypal problems suck . You will get hundreds of thousands of cases of people harmed by due to the use of paypal .

Generally paypal problems occur for several reasons ,

- Paypal funds derived from the income of which is prohibited by paypal . If you earn income from the things forbidden by paypal and paypal know that what happens is your account disabled or funds derived from illegal employment is singed by paypal .
- You accept payment with funds sourced from illegal income . Generally this occurs when you sell and use paypal as a payment method . Buyers obtain funds illegally paypal and paypal detect when the bot , you are also feeling the problem .
- The initial registration process is in trouble . Today many users use the paypal VCC ( Virtual Credit Card ) as an alternative to credit cards in paypal payment . However , many cases occurred by those who use the VCC end delays account (suspend ) . However , these problems are tackled with documents such as ID cards , Electricity and Phone STPs .

The consequences of problems that arise in the use of paypal ,

- Funds that you receive in the status dispute . In this dispute period you will be required to send data requested by paypal , generally in the form of ID card , letter Electric bill , Phone bill and letter of your transaction receipt ( if the problem is associated with the receipt of cash transactions ) .
- Your account on hold . From my experience , and colleagues who use paypal , your account dihold chances are if you have had a dispute and registration using VCC .

My tips so that you are safe to use paypal as a payment media through the internet :

- Make sure the account of the sender is verified funds
- You try to trade only with those of the American states , australia and singapore . Because only in this country alone Paypal has a representative office . So for problems that occur outside the country , the solution is often detrimental to you as the owner of paypal .
- Do not use paypal for local transactions . My advice to domestic transactions should always use the banks in the country , never use paypal . In addition to more easily if there is a problem , even if it costs more minimal calculated from paypal . Therefore , paypal impose a fee for receiving money and also using the dollar rate is smaller than the local bank .

A few tips and share my experience in using paypal . Hopefully useful ....


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