Getting Rid Of Junks For Environmental Sustainability

By Anita Ortega

There are three Rs when we are talking about environmental stability. These are the words reduce, reuse and recycle. So if you have some trashes into your house, you should not immediately throw them into your trash bin. You have to find a way to make them more useful than to be part of the forsaken world of garbage and junk removal marietta.

You ought to reduce your usage of products which can harm the environment. The major negative effect of these hazardous wastes which we are currently suffering today is the greenhouse effect that made the ice caps of north and south poles melt. And made the weather more unpredictable than it used to be.

Some of these hazardous products are the pesticides and insecticides that we keep on using in our livelihood and in our home. Though pests are more unhealthy than it seems, there are ways for you to avoid them without using these products such as fixing the holes and other areas in which cockroaches can enter. Or cover the fruits with newspaper so that pests could not penetrate into the fruit.

You have to reuse your products before you throw it. If you have some useless junks into your house, try to asses if they need to be thrown or if they still have chances of using it still. Believe me, going to the grocery store with those old plastic bags will lessen the cases of plastic issues such as clogging drainage and there is no difference of using an old one and new one unless it is no longer useful.

This is why department stores are encouraging people to use cloth bags and not plastic bags. In some first world countries, they do not allow stores to use plastic as means of containment of their products. Instead they are asked to distribute paper bags if the person does not have a cloth bag for the goods being bought.

You ought to recycle, if you think that you stuff can no longer be used according to its purpose, then, you can use them into another product. Just for example, your bottles of wine can still be used as lamps whenever there will be power outage, so instead of using unsafe candles, you can already use a lamp driven by kerosene.

The greatest achievement of science these days is using some biodegradable products into new energy such as electricity, bio oil, shoe polish, and other household usage. One of the examples of this achievement is using the banana as a shoe polish which can be very legit if being processed properly. As you notice that when you step into a banana peel it will cause you to slide downward this is a sign that it has slippery components that can be used for polishing.

Maybe it is true that the poverty that most countries are suffering were caused by environmental damages. Considering that these third world countries have rich civilization once not until the industrial revolution. If we could only find a way to revive the natural resources which were damaged due to advancement, maybe chances are there will be no more poor country, only rich ones and no more war will happen because everyone will feel contentment.

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