The Most Important Facts About The Life Of A Dancer

By Leanne Goff

In many parts of the world, the dancing profession is one that is highly respected, if not always understood. The misconceptions and misinterpretations of what it means to be a dancer are endless. In short, the life of a dancer is both surprising and rewarding.

There is a world-famous saying. Practice makes perfect. While the idea of perfection might be out of reach for some, if not all, of us, this maxim can still apply to most professions. Practice is hugely important for anyone interested in being good enough at his job to excel. If that job involves performing in front of thousands of people, this is doubly important.

Practicing is only half of the necessary components of a dancing career. The other is natural ability, or aptitude. You cannot make something from nothing. Much like the concept of stone soup, the best food is only as good as its ingredients, and those ingredients have to be top-notch. If you do not have the right ingredients, if you are not naturally flexible or graceful, then dancing might not be the best profession.

A good dancer will be able to bend his or her body in a variety of ways. This is called flexibility, and it is quite important. People may spend days on end training their bodies to bend just a little further. Not every person comes out of the womb being able to do the splits, but that goal is attainable to most of us.

There are plenty of movies about dancing, but those seldom show the toil and turmoil of the process itself. In many of these films, the main characters simply start dancing, with no practice at all, unless of course there is a quick practice montage in the middle of the movie. These movies gloss over what it means to fine tune your craft.

Much like cinematic movies, music videos on television usually do not show the full range of dance. They are edited choppily, leaving many dance moves unnoticed or under-seen. To make matters worse, they only show a few moves over and over. There is very little ballroom dance, or modern, or jazz, or any number of types and styles. Mostly, these videos showcase hip hop, which is a very specific niche.

This profession is good exercise. Your friends and family will be amazed at the way your body looks and moves. There are so many painful parts to dancing, but the end result is usually a fit, enviable body.

There are plenty of reasons to dance, but a particularly important one is the recognition from adoring fans. People will marvel at your abilities, and that will surely feel rewarding.

For many reasons, the life of a dancer is sleepless and difficult. It is an existence spent trying to achieve that which is unachievable, trying to push her body in ways that it is not meant to be pushed. However, it is also a profoundly rewarding and fulfilling experience.

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