Defining An Abstract Art Using Silk Painting Supplies

By Leanne Goff

Abstract art can look very carefree as it uses different strokes. An artist portrays a different story to each painting. It may look very simple but this is not the case. It is much difficult than regular scenery or portrait art. With this medium, you can not copy the idea from any picture or view. Once the artist picks up his brush, he will picture what he feels and thinks at that moment. Silk painting supplies can be great tools to come across a beautiful picture.

For starters, you must be able to order a made canvas to begin with your work. They are sold out in your local craft shop. The sizes range and you can pick out the kind which is convenient for your work. If you are just new with this craft, start using the smallest frame. It will be a starting point to experimenting while learning at the same time.

Once you have the frame with you, it is ready to use as it is. You can work with either a blank canvas or a colored one. There are solutions that you can use to paint the background. Prime it with a touch of another color. It will dry very quickly if you use a certain kind of acrylic.

Another avenue to pursue are the board types. They are pretty cheap and can will be easy to layer over another medium with on your board. It supports people who are carrying a limited amount. Choose a type of solution over the material where you can just use a small amount to spread across.

Differentiate the advantages and disadvantages of using two kinds of solutions. Some are not irritating to the nostrils and can be easy to work with. It also dries out easily and may be topped over with a different shade.

On the other hand, oils can be a complete opposite to other solutions. They are difficult to dry and contain a distinct odor. It will not allow the artist to put another coat on top of it. It can be very inconvenient to be used for experimentation.

If you have not decided on a color just yet, pick one from the color chart from an easel where your brushes are located. Start with the most basic colors and work your way out. With the use of this chart, you can determine which one is opposite or which of them belongs together.

Picture out what object or view you want to design before you choose a brush. Your focus should not be on the details and the outcome but what is inside your mind. The picture is not defined by how you look at it from one angle, choose a different side to the story.

If in your heart you think it is done, you can just stop there. Do not try to improve it or make major adjustments. It looks good if it shows how the artist thinks at that moment. There will be different interpretations to different people who will view the art. Silk painting supplies are great tools to create wonderful paintings.

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