James Malinchak Uncovers The Best Advice To Handling Multiple Tasks For Speakers

By Stanton Harper

When it comes to being able to manage multiple tasks to be more efficient, a lot of my coaching members would tell you what they notice when they are at my house! The not so secret is that my desk is always clean. That is not to say that while I am working on a file that I may have papers scattered about, however, once that task is complete my desk is cleared again. Once I finish a task, those papers are filed away in their proper place, and I move on to the next thing. If something needs addressed but cannot be addressed right then, it's filed away so as not to clutter or distract me from the next task I am working on at that time.

Being clean and organized is one of the greatest factors I have been doing for years. If I've got to leave or go do something else, I always put away whatever I have out. That way nothing is amiss, and it can always be found. It just takes a few moments, so pick up after yourself to avoid distraction or loss of items at a later date. Think about all the time you save by taking a few moments to put things away in their proper place. I've got clients who have to complete rework by doing over the tasks they already accomplished because they can't find what they already did earlier. To me this is an immense time waster and a huge money waster that I am not willing to put up with at my office.

By having a clear slate, you're able to concentrate on the task at hand to completion. By avoiding distraction, you do your best at what task is in front of you. Then, you are able to put that aside which is a sense of accomplishment, which also causes the opportunity to start off the next task with another clean slate. In making this a priority, you focus on the things that matter most and that make the most money for you. This is one of the most profitable skillsets I can pass on to you, even so, telling you what to do, and you applying this standard are usually two different things.

My tidiness and organization takes people by surprise. Furthermore, it seems that this lack of clutter is the root of several rumors that people have started about me! Because of the lack of unnecessary stacks of paper and the lack of a mess, people think I do not work out of my own office. The rumor is that I've got this office for show only! This is hysterical to me as I consider this cleanliness a skillset to keep me and my business on track where others consider the cleanliness a facade. This isn't an act. My office is as neat as my closet. I prefer things uncluttered, clean, and organized.

Therefore, if you want to excel in your business, invest time and actions to get your office in order. Put the clutter away, throw away unnecessary items, and focus on one file at a time. In practicing these organizational skills, you'll find that it's easier to get tasks completed and that you're not distracted by your own thoughts. Furthermore, you're always ready for a last minute visit with a paying client without the stress and worry of disorganization.

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