The mlm business model is inherently designed for you to have great results. Javita is no different. This company has the the ability to rule the network marketing industry. Javita is a home-based business that distributes healthy coffee in single-serving packs. Let me demonstrate how you can grow this business in 4 relatively easy steps!
1. Get started at your own kitchen table. Write down the names and phone numbers of everybody you know who drinks coffee, espresso, tea, or even hot chocolate. Keep writing, I know there's more. This is your warm market of people with whom you already have some kind of relationship. If you know their name and phone number, that person goes on your list. It doesn't matter if you haven't talked to them in ages. You can simply invite them over for coffee.
2. Ask for referrals. Word of mouth marketing is the first step toward all marketing. Before there were commercials, infomercials, and billboards, there was word of mouth. If you have a single satisfied customer, ask them who they know. Always ask, "Who do you know?" With Javita, it should be really simple. Stephanie, who do you know that would like to hang with us and have a cup of coffee?
3. Make use of social media. Social media is basically word of mouth marketing on steroids! There are over half a BILLION users on Facebook. There are over 50 social networking sites! You can make use of social media to connect with others in your city, your state, the world! Social media sites are a cost effective solution to market your business. To do that, you need a solid marketing system. Empower Network will show you how to master social media, providing site specific training on Facebook and Twitter.
4. Brand yourself as a leader on the web. There are over 2 billion users on the internet. When you brand yourself on the internet, you set yourself apart from every other network marketer out there. From your internet platform, you can get through to a substantial amount of people and generate a never-ending flood of potential Javita customer and distributor leads! You can learn to do all this with Empower Network! Join a community of marketers that will teach you how to brand yourself Online, build an endless flow of leads, and extend your reach from just around the block to around the world!
Using the steps above, you are sure to grow a world class Javita organization. Discover how you can start growing your Javita business today.
1. Get started at your own kitchen table. Write down the names and phone numbers of everybody you know who drinks coffee, espresso, tea, or even hot chocolate. Keep writing, I know there's more. This is your warm market of people with whom you already have some kind of relationship. If you know their name and phone number, that person goes on your list. It doesn't matter if you haven't talked to them in ages. You can simply invite them over for coffee.
2. Ask for referrals. Word of mouth marketing is the first step toward all marketing. Before there were commercials, infomercials, and billboards, there was word of mouth. If you have a single satisfied customer, ask them who they know. Always ask, "Who do you know?" With Javita, it should be really simple. Stephanie, who do you know that would like to hang with us and have a cup of coffee?
3. Make use of social media. Social media is basically word of mouth marketing on steroids! There are over half a BILLION users on Facebook. There are over 50 social networking sites! You can make use of social media to connect with others in your city, your state, the world! Social media sites are a cost effective solution to market your business. To do that, you need a solid marketing system. Empower Network will show you how to master social media, providing site specific training on Facebook and Twitter.
4. Brand yourself as a leader on the web. There are over 2 billion users on the internet. When you brand yourself on the internet, you set yourself apart from every other network marketer out there. From your internet platform, you can get through to a substantial amount of people and generate a never-ending flood of potential Javita customer and distributor leads! You can learn to do all this with Empower Network! Join a community of marketers that will teach you how to brand yourself Online, build an endless flow of leads, and extend your reach from just around the block to around the world!
Using the steps above, you are sure to grow a world class Javita organization. Discover how you can start growing your Javita business today.
About the Author:
For more information on Javita or to partner with a leader that can guide you to success, you can visit The Javita Coffee Company website.
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