OUTLANDER - Kepalsuan Menikam (Indonesia)

OUTLANDER - Kepalsuan Menikam (Indonesia) Slamming Death Metal

Genre: Slamming Brutal DeathMetal
Hometown: Pontianak
Release Name: Kepalsuan Menikam (Demo 2010)

Band Info :
By the end of 2009 originally set the bad boy who still blue and white uniforms, withtheir desperate form a band called Outlander which had genre DeathMetal Brutalslamming, as their stories undergone many changes, ranging from personnel tomaterials of music, and much more mature on track DeathMetal. they greatlystrengthen the concept of musical material that is not only focused instrument DeathMetal slamming Brutal, technical rhythm of the music they interfere with air-ala Fleshgod Apocalyspe and Nechropahgist and additional style beatdown InternalBleeding, Infernal Revulsion, Abominable Putridity, Dying Fetus and HumanRejection. short and long not wide, they almost had a vacuum in early 2010 and theydelegate his back and massacred the action stage together, with their individualband without moving the community. in mid-2010 they joined a community named PONTIANAK METALFORCE (PMF) community is not just a community, even this community often makes an event can also be called EVENT ORAGANIZATION atthe end of 2010 they launched their first demo entitled (falsehood stabbing) happened -influence: Abominable Putridity, Human Rejection, Hellbeyond &Demons Damn. with the line-up:-Aburizal (Growl / Guttural)-Bayu Bandawa(Gurgle)-Angger Gumilang (Drums)-Word (Bass)-Rahmad Prabowo (Guitar) theyassume that the band is not merely the action her alone on the stage, but they thinkthe band is a family outside the home, therefore they strengthen the brotherhood in the band, not the band they think is their families or even communities wherever they find you .... So ... you are fxcking music lover then be prepared! Plug your ears withthe rhythm of music That led to extreme killer beats of the pulse to the nerve centersof the brain with you
Official Site :

Tracklist :
1. Anatomy of human disease
2. Venomed
3. Kepalsuan Menikam


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