Band Name : HELLO IT’S ME
Genre : metal
Hometown : bekasi
Release Name / Year : 26 maret 2011
Band Info :
Hello It's Me is a fraction of the two bands, of 3 personnel and 2 personnel PFDD NE,and united to show the hobby in music and musical soul of this metal. Finally sprangthe name Hello It's Me on 26 March 2011, the Metal genre. Hello It's Me, a verysimple means of showing that it is ourselves who is actually that music is our way of life choices. The existence of Hello It's Me is not just a hobby or just for its own pleasure, but this is where the soul, emotional, familial and show creativity antecedentHello It's Me. Hello It's Me just a soul who has not been meaningless without the support and prayers from family, friends and all music lovers especially among metal music in Indonesia. AND .. HELLO IT'S ME, with: Angkii w / Six String. Aldi Y.P w /four String. Dhaninuneno w / Micvoc. Oriimetal w / Drum Doublestick
Links :
Tracklist :
1. Front Invaders
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