Day Of Emergency - Wish You Die (Medan) 2011

Day Of Emergency - Wish You Die (Medan) 2011 Bring Me The Horizon, and The Word Alive

Band Name: Day Of Emergency
Genre: Metal/Indie/hardcore
Hometown: Medan
Release Name: Wish You Die

Band info :
Day Of Emergency is the band the Metal genre, Day Of Emergency formed in late 2010. The band terinfluence from Bring Me The Horizon, and The Word Alive. Day Of Emergency was originally named priggish with screamo genre, but because of differences of opinion and bustle of personnel so priggish finally vacuum. And in the end Galang, Roy, Herry, and Anton decided to form a new band with a new flow, which is "Day Of Emergency". Day Of Emergency In the beginning, they do not have a bassist. And in the end Day Of Emergency meeting with Salam who at that time wanted to join Day Of Emergency. After several times following the Event, Day Of Emergency was in need of a synthesizer, and finally the viking who was a friend of greeting, and the girder offered to join in Day Of Emergency Synthesizer fill the position. After several months of work, finally Day Of Emergency issued a first single, entitled "Wish You Die". This song (Wish You Die), very terinfluence from Bring Me The Horizon after delivering a single (Wish You Die) Day Of Emergency started filling event - event music. At this present time, band-member Galang on vocals that have characterized the unique sound and have started to become lead singer in junior high when sitting dibangku have the ambition and desire to jazz music in the world and want loud music which can be more accepted by society.Hail to the bass that is still sitting on the bench SMK Music and majored in bass feel comfortable and wanted to fight to lift the indie music community at large in the eyes of this quiet guy really likes loud music and there herry who fills the position of the drum. Sweet black guy who is very fond of a little shy Mike Portnoy and have ambitions to be a great musician then there's Roy On Guitar Left. These guys are a little tall, very good at playing guitar, and have a desire to be a great guitarist, and there is Anton on guitar Right. This curly guy is one of the most respected personnel other personnel, because the guy who also likes punk music this is, the personnel of the oldest old. And finally there Juju on synth. The guy who was very fond of music instruments, it is like to create a music instrument, and the desire to be more advanced on the day of emergency. Day of Emergency is currently incorporated in Medan Indie movement Musis i have a Vision and Mission Who is "Want to change the public perception of indie music".

Official Site :

Wish You Die :
1. Wish You Die


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