Circle Of Dead Children

Early spring cleaning. I'm combining the posts we had by CODC to one.

Circle Of Dead Children are a pretty interesting deathgrind band, their style isn't really comparable to anything. Songs range from 6 seconds to several minutes. The atmosphere is indescribable, and varies in every song - there's blasting brutality interchanging with slow, doomy bludgeoning, accompanied with some of the most awesome vocals in extreme metal. Joe Horvath's voice might be hard to get used to for some, but in my opinion he is one of the best. The lyrics also need to be mentioned: while the music manages to be brutal, filthy, and disgusting, the lyrics are beautiful poetry. CODC are not your typical run of the mill deathgrind band. Some might find it hard to get into them, I wasn't hooked by the first listen either, but they're outstanding in many aspects, and take some time to comprehend. (worm's original writeup)

Starving The Vultures (1999)
Get: here
Mirror: here

Exotic Sense Decay (2000)
Get: here

The Genocide Machine (2001)

Get: Here
Mirror: Hi

Human Harvest (2003)
Get: Here
Mirror: here

Zero Comfort Margin (2005)
Get: here

Psalm Of The Grand Destroyer (2010)

Get: here
Mirror: here

Links are old so they're just on RS. Mirrors can be made on request.
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