Cyber Theft & The Aid Of A Long Island Accountant

By Katie Onson

Cyber theft is an instance that can occur if you are not careful with your finances. It's one of the reasons why there is a large subsection of people that are totally against the idea of purchasing items over the Internet, which is a point that is easy to understand. With that said, what can be done in order to ensure that cyber theft does not happen to you? In order to avoid this from happening, here is a list of 3 steps that I am sure any Long Island accountant would be able to support.

1. It is hard to imagine any computer without the right antivirus software put into place. You want to make sure that your system is as maintained as possible, which means that you should have the right software to make this a reality. Such applications as AVG are great for keeping viruses away and warning you about pages that have been attacked in the past. This is just one example to consider, though, so make sure that you select the program that you believe is the most worthwhile.

2. Remain careful of who it is you give your personal information to. While any Long Island accountant can tell you that there are many tellers which are reputable, there are those who are out to do nothing short of put your account at risk. As a result, take it upon yourself to be mindful of who it is that has your address, phone number, or what have you. It's this level of care that can make all the difference, as authorities the likes of CFO Consulting Services will attest to.

3. Beware of pop-up links that look suspicious. As stated in the first step, you are going to want to have antivirus software set on your computer but what else can it do? Depending on the type of Internet browser that you utilize as well, you might have more or fewer popups when going from one website to the next; make sure that you do not click the ones that are untrustworthy. For example, a flashing banner that tells you that you have won $5,000 is most likely a ploy.

I am sure that these steps will help you even further as you start to make preparations in the face of cyber theft. Your information should not be compromised by any means, so make sure that you are able to take all of these steps into account. They are ones which any Long Island accountant can agree with and for all of the right reasons as well. The digital front is heavily utilized, so maintaining a proper sense of care is integral when dealing with financial matters.

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