April Pranks: How To Find Pokémon On Google Maps

How To Find Pokémon On Google Maps

Munchlax at the Empire State Building, New York CityP

How To Find Pokémon On Google Maps

Rotom at Rockefeller Center, New York CityP

How To Find Pokémon On Google Maps

Helioptile is at the Eiffel Tower, ParisP

How To Find Pokémon On Google Maps

Salamance is hanging on 16th Street and 8th Ave in New York CityP

How To Find Pokémon On Google Maps

Pikachu is over at Tokyo Tower, TokyoP

How To Find Pokémon On Google Maps

Tyranitar is at Pompeii, ItalyP


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Totodile is in the Hoover DamP

How To Find Pokémon On Google Maps

Kirlia at Area 51, NevadaP

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Pumpkaboo is at Red Square, MoscowP

How To Find Pokémon On Google Maps

Audino is near Charing Cross Road, LondonP

How To Find Pokémon On Google Maps

Dragonite is at the Pokémon Company, Seattle P

How To Find Pokémon On Google Maps

Staraptor is perched on the Golden Gate Bridge, San FranciscoP

How To Find Pokémon On Google Maps

Togepi and Dragonite (again) at Sagrada Familia, BarcelonaP


How To Find Pokémon On Google Maps

Stunfisk at Angkor Wat, CambodiaP

How To Find Pokémon On Google Maps

Meganium at the White HouseP

How To Find Pokémon On Google Maps

Luxray and two others at Googleplex in Mountain View, CaliforniaP

How To Find Pokémon On Google Maps

And of course, Snorlax is napping at The VaticanP

How To Find Pokémon On Google Maps
Those are just a few of many Pokémon that are on Google Maps today. Together we can find them all. Search Google Maps, find them, and post your findings in the comments below.P
To contact the author of this post, write to chrisperson@kotaku.com or find him on Twitter at@papapishu.


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