Congress Supports SOPA While Illegally Downloading Self-Help Books

By Cornelius Nunev

The SOPA bill is meant to make copyright protections in the U.S. stronger, but there are many opponents of the bill. Some of these opponents have discovered that Congressional online connections have been used to download illegally obtained materials.

What is SOPA?

With H.R. 3261, or the Stop Online Piracy Act, would let copyright holders file copyright infringement claims to block online payment processors and search engines when there has been a problem. It was released in the U.S. Senate with the Shield IP Act. This would be a fantastic bill for copyright holders.

Finally, the bill would make any internet services completely immune from damage claims that could arise from actions taken to enforce copyright. Several opponents of the bill point out that the law could violate First Amendment free speech protections and cut the basic structure of the internet off at the knees.

Downloading not legal

Torrent freak used You Have Downloaded to search the House of Representatives' download history. You Have Downloaded searches IP addresses to pick out download history, although it only gets about 20 percent of torrent downloads. In that search, Torrent freak found that there have been over 800 pieces of unlawful content downloaded. This contains self-help books such as "Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High," and "How to Answer Hard Interview Questions And Every little thing Else You Have to Know to Get the Job You want." It also included hardcore pornography, TV shows and movies.

Fewer members support SOPA

Congress is not in session, which means the vote on SOPA has been postponed. While Congress is gone, corporations have been changing their minds about SOPA. For instance, GoDaddy, a domain-registration service, supported SOPA initially. Its consumers were not very happy about that. It led to GoDaddy announcing that it does not support SOPA anymore.

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