Understanding The Skills Learned In College

By Jim Thorpe

For students who are going through the college experience, there are doubtlessly some aspects of it that prove to be a bit confusing when viewed from a real world perspective. Many students wonder about some of the tasks that they are required to do in school, questioning their worth and application in the real world.

BFF. Outside of your dorm or apartment, there aren't very many ways to really get to know people. Sometimes it's difficult to find close friends in class. There just isn't enough time or opportunity to form deep friendships. But in a club, you get to spend consistent and quality time with new people which can lead to lively and lasting relationships.

These are common concerns due to the fact that while some parts of college may seem straightforward, other aspects may not. For example, a student of a business management degree may well understand the teaching of economics and management while wondering why they have been tasked with group work on the side.

It takes time to fully understand this concept, but the fact of the matter is that everything in college serves its purpose. Even in laser focused programs which prioritize getting students on their way to careers, there often will exist aspects that students do not fully understand or appreciate.

Many people feel that attending college is about leaning very specific information, getting certified and building skills in a certain field, and then graduating. The truth of the matter is that every part of this experience, both pleasant and not, serves to prepare people for their future careers.

If you want to save money and don't plan on keeping your own personal copy of the textbook after taking the class, such as the textbooks for the required general education classes, you are sometimes offered the alternate choice of renting textbooks. It costs less money and allows you to return it when you are done.

Homework (done correctly) helps people to learn information in a concrete way and to develop initiative and responsibility when it comes to work given. Nearly all careers will provide people with deadlines and projects which need to be met by a certain time while also meeting a certain standard of quality.

Off with the training wheels

Another great benefit of joining a club is getting a chance to spread your wings. Doing activities with your club gives everyone an opportunity to learn from each other. Your club becomes a melting pot of ideas, styles, tips and tricks. Maybe one club member's unmatched ability to mix paints, plus the unique brush stroke of another, helps you finally paint that perfect sunset you saw at the beach near the College in San Diego. Or in French club you finally meet a native speaker that can help you perfect your accent. Clubs provide environments and opportunities for you to breach new heights.

Many people do not care for the fact that their grade will be somewhat dependent on others, and that the work involves others. However, this is a perfect analogue for working with others in the real world job market.

At California College San Diego we offer healthcare, technology, graphic arts programs, and business marketing degrees, and we want you to get the best deal you can on textbooks.

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