Types Of Erosion Control Colorado

By Marissa Velazquez

Regardless of the state you plan to do major construction you must deal with state and local agencies prior to beginning your project. Erosion control Colorado is one of those agencies. The purpose of the agency is to ensure that erosion and sediment run off does not damage the ecosystems or enter the soil or water supplies.

Most construction requires clearing of all vegetation prior to beginning the actual work of erecting any type of building. The state and county agencies require that permits be acquired and plans submitted detailing the methods that will be used for controlling the sediment and run off from the site. There are regular inspections made by city or county agents to insure compliance. Any breach of the containment must be repaired immediately to avoid fines or litigation.

Rain, wind and running water are all erosive forces. The elements of nature can cause gulleys, silt build up in water ways, and slippage of land that is on an incline. In an effort to prevent this damage, contractors and state agencies work together to replant these areas as quickly as possible.

Straw blankets and wattles are used to protect the bare earth by many contractors prior to completion of their project. These blankets have a netting to keep the straw from blowing away and some are as wide as one hundred feet. They are used along highways that have no grass or ground cover to protect them. The straw covers eventually break down and become fertilization for the grasses that germinate in the spring.

Spraying hydro mulch on bare soil is another method of preventing soil slippage on road sides and hilly properties. The mulch contains a gummy substance that adheres to soil and keeps it in place. There are usually seeds and fertilizer included in the mulch and germination is rapid and permanent. The original mulch consists of paper pulp, wood pulps and aspen hydro mulch. These are all biodegradable products that will not harm the soil.

Many times native flower seeds are added to the mixture if large areas are to be covered. This is especially important for hill sides and wilderness areas. Indigenous grasses are also used with hydro seeding large areas because they survive in sun or shade and require very little water.

Drill seeding is another method that is gaining popularity because of the cost effectiveness of the process. Tractors are equipped with furrows to turn the soil and instruments to plant seeds directly into the ground. This method is more successful with germination because the seeds are underground and protected from the elements and animal foraging.

Preventive measures taken early in the construction process helps maintain the ecosystems that Mother Nature set in place. Erosion control Colorado ensures that the regeneration is done properly and the smallest amount of pollution and run off possible occurs during construction. The cooperation between them and the public sector is essential to keeping Colorado green.

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