Landscaping Tips That Will Conserve Your Life

By George Dodson

Landscaping is proven to not only enhance the look of your home but also save life from fire. In Florida alone, fire fighters usually battle wildfires up to 15 times a day. Woody and suburban homes were mostly the subject of fire dangers. Fire accidents increases after a long drought followed by a long winter. If plants are inappropriately placed and arranged, a higher jeopardy could be perceived. But when it is designed properly, there is less risk of fire.




Measuring tape


Mechanical Tape

Chain saw


Tree Axe


Lava stone or coarse gravel

Prairie germs

Fire resistant shrubs, such as agave, philodendron and century plant

Lengthy pipe tube

irrigation Control by Dripping

In penetrable Area

1.Tape off a 30-foot perimeter (or 100-foot perimeter if your home is located in a heavily wooded area or on a slope) around your home. Carbon-based coverings or mulches such as pines, boxwood, wax myrtle and other bushes should be eradicated.

2.Decrease left behind trees so tops are a least of 10 feet spaced out. Prune lower limbs of trees in the defensible zone to at least six feet from the ground. To prevent bringing of fire from the ground to the top of the house, cut off ladder fuels such as vines and shrubs using a lopper.

3.Plant bushes that could not adapt to fire such as cactus, no nearer than 10 feet away from each other and a least possible of 5 feet from any construction. Install a variety of plants instead of a dense monoculture.

4.Mount drip irrigation around all plants and equipped bedding with moisture delicate timers. Attach a hose to a faucet within the vicinity of the plants and is located away from any structures.

5.Extend a bed of non-inanimate coverings like a course gravel or a lava rock around the building. Separate plantings with non-organic mulches or grass.

6.Frequently eliminate dead foliage, sheared grass and clipped shrubs and trees. Eliminate anything that could catch fire from underneath the trees.

Guidelines And Cautions

Plants that are unaffected by fire are aloe, pittosporum, coontie, camellia and azalea. One should know some of the list of flammable trees and shrubs namely red cedar, Italian cypress, bald cypress and arborvitae, this is for further information and risk reduction control.

Get professional help from a tree specialist or landscaper to get rid of tree and shrub. Do not work on a chainsaw without proper training. Wear appropriate safety clothing, including a hard hat, ear protection, goggles and gloves when removing limbs.

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