How To Build A Team Even When You Can't Afford It

By Dawn Damico

Once you start marketing your business online, you will quickly find that you need a team. The next thing you're going to question is who you should hire, what skills they should have, and how you can build a team when you really can't afford to spend a lot of extra cash?

Before we get to all that, it's essential for you to understand that building a team is all about Leverage.

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The ugly truth is that you cannot do everything to build your business online without burning out or moving too slow. At some point you will require the time, talents, and energy of other people. The sooner you build your team, the sooner you'll realize the profit potential of your business.

Great! So, where do you start when building your own team?

It may help you to understand that all of the top online business owners have a team. And, almost all of these top businesses credit the building of a team to the speed of their success. Does that motivate YOU to build a team?

Ready to start?

Any business has lots of moving parts to make it work and make it profitable. While video is important for online marketing, there are also other admin and repetitive tasks that are just as crucial.

Any business has lots of moving parts to make it work and make it profitable. While video is important for online marketing, there are also other admin and repetitive tasks that are just as crucial. As a result, a VA, or virtual assistant, is the best choice to begin building your team.

Any business has lots of moving parts to make it work and make it profitable. While video is important for online marketing, there are also other admin and repetitive tasks that are just as crucial. Because of that, every online business should have a Virtual Assistant.

Great question! And the answer can be found when you evaluate your current business.

That's the right question to ask! The answer will be discovered when you take a little time to see what you currently do in your business.

First - what are you doing now that you hate doing? These would be things that need to get done, but not necessarily done by you.

Next on the list is a little self-reflection. You want to discover what you're really good at and what you're really not so good at. Meyers Briggs is a great test that you can take online to give you some direction. When you look at your results, what you want to focus on is what types of activities energize you. These will be things you are very strong in. For the activities that drain you, those areas that you are not as strong, see if you can hire those things out.

So there you have it; How to Build a Team online so you can leverage time and talents. Start here. Capitalizing on the talents of others will lead you to a better business (rather than just a J.O.B) and the ability to hire even more specialized people to your business.

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