How Can One Get The Veteran Home Loan

By Judy Sullivan

It is never simple to get cheap mortgage these days. As a matter of fact, returning military men are greatly disadvantaged when it comes to getting home loans. Therefore, the creation of veteran home loan was a welcomed move by the service men. Briefly put, veteran loans are given to the military personnel (who qualify) to pay for their homes.

Due to the uniqueness of the loan, there is a selection criterion used to identify the beneficiaries. For instance, you must have served for 181 days of service days during peacetime or 6 years in the National Guard. The other way to qualify is if you served for 90 successive days during wartime (e. G. Gulf War, 24-month rule, Vietnam, Korean War and World War II).

Now, the above listed conditions are from the government (guarantor) side in order to qualify for the Certificate of Eligibility. However, the lenders do have additional requirements. For example, most of them would look into your Credit history and ensure that you have enough money to repay the loan.

If you meet the stipulated conditions (i. E. By the bank and the government), you stand to benefit a lot form these loans compared to the conventional ones. First, the Federal government is your guarantor. Secondly, you do not have to worry about down payment as is the case when applying for other mortgage types. This makes it easier for the military personnel (who are always on the move) to own a home without necessarily having to save first.

You also do not have to pay any mortgage insurance, as the guarantee by the government makes the lenders feel safe. They therefore have no reasons to worry about nonpayment. Other benefits you stand to enjoy include reduced interest rates and the ability to use your monthly house allowance to service your application. There is also the advantage of paying it off before time.

The other feature which makes the loans even better is the diversity found in the application. The uses range from building of homes to buying or refurbishing of others. You can even use the money to buy a mobile home. Alternatively, you can use the loan in improving energy installations in your house.

Most loans have a tough application process. However, the veteran loans are not so hard to get. Instead, they have been simplified for ease of access. Primarily, you need a licensed lending institution without forgetting the home to be purchased. This is followed by fetching the Certificate of from the government, provided you had filled the Purchase Agreement form.

Provided you have the Certificate of Eligibility and a signed Purchase Agreement, your chance of getting the fund is very high. You simply need to approach the lender and provide them with necessary documents, especially the bank statements. Your veteran home loan will then be processed and closed. During the closing, the lender finds a title firm that will oversee the transfer of the property to you.

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