How A Baltimore Financial Consultant Can Help You Plan Your Retirement

By Julio Riess

Making sure you have enough money for your needs when you retire can be very challenging. The calculations involved are very technical and it requires training to do them properly. A Baltimore MD retirement income planning consultant is experienced at advising clients how to provide for their old age.

Getting old can turn out to be e=ax expensive business, and most of the costs come after you retire. While commuting to work will no longer be a problem, there will be a lot of other expenses to take its place. Keeping your mind and body active so you stay healthy is important, and usually costs a lot.

While Social Security benefits are available, in most cases they are inadequate for anything other than a subsistence level existence. You did not spend your life working so that you could live in penury when you retire. You will have the time to do whatever you want: you need to have the money as well.

In fact, you are likely to need extra money to cover many unexpected expenses when you retire. Medical costs are high, and assisted living or in-home care may become necessary at times. Life can be difficult if you do not have the money for these needs, and your family may not be in a position to help.

What you need are investments which are safe, but have a reasonable growth factor as well. Unless you are earning huge amounts of money, you will depend on the growth in your investments to provide enough funding. You also need to start early, so compounding has time to work its magic.

Everybody is different, and there is no plan which fits all needs. A nearby Baltimore MD retirement income planning firm will help you look at your income and your needs and determine how much you need to invest on. Circumstances change, and you also need to revise your plan on an ongoing basis.

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