Entrepreneur Bio: Jeff Bezos

By Franklin Skribbit

So you've decided to start your own business. While getting your business running might be tough, many small business owners have found that this is one of the best decisions they have ever made. The ability to decide for yourself what directions your business will take can be liberating and wonderful. Not to mention the fulfillment you feel when you succeed in your goals.

Bezos was born Jeffrey Preston Jorgensen in Albuquerque, New Mexico. His mother divorced his father shortly after his birth, and later married Miguel Bezos, who legally adopted Jeff after the marriage. As a young boy, Jeff Bezos showed in interest in science. One of his earliest science projects was rigging an electric alarm to keep his siblings out of his room. The family moved to Miami where Bezos attended high school and was valedictorian.

First, you have to study math as much as you can starting from a young age. If possible, take as many advanced math and computer in high school as you can. Then pursue a Bachelor's degree in accounting. You will want to major in either that or forensic accounting if the major is available. They will teach you the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) that will be necessary to know for any accounting position.

A business plan is not only invaluable once you start your business, but it also helps you plan for the eventualities your business will encounter. While you might be anxious to get your business started, make sure your business plan is solid before taking any steps.

At this point you have a degree and work experience, but now you need to specialize in forensic accounting. You can either apply for government jobs or pursue a master's degree in forensic accounting or business administration with a focus in forensic accounting.

The recent Supreme Court ruling that exempted online retailers from having to collect sales taxes from states where they did not have a physical presence caused his to move to Washington, since the lower population would reduce the amount of people that would need to pay sales tax.

Now that you have passed all of these exams, you can list all of your degrees, titles, and experience on a comprehensive resume that you will give to as many potential employers as possible. Hopefully at this point you have honed your skills as both an accountant and a researcher.

Bezos' genius had a large part to play in the reason why Amazon succeeded. He devised an unconventional business plan which did not expect to make a profit for around four to five years. Stockholders initially complained about this slow growth model, but after Amazon survived the burst of the dot-com bubble at the turn of the century, it became a massive name in online sales.

They can help you know what steps you should take and how to avoid mistakes that they made during their own experience. More than anything else, it helps to build a support network of people who know what you will be going through and how to help. So don't be shy, ask around.

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