Does Creativity Have A Place In Modern Society?

By Hedrick Lepsch

Thinking about taking the plunge and diving back into the academic world? After dropping out of college it can be a little scary, intimidated, and nerve-wrecking to jump back in, especially if you are older than what some would call the normal college age. There are about 37 million Americans who have some college credits but have no degree because they stopped attending. There are many reasons students drop out of school.

There are so many advances that is seems like maybe mankind is running out of ideas but in order to truly understand the way we feel it might be helpful to compare it to how people felt over a century ago. A century ago people were fascinated with steam power, perplexed by the idea of flight, and overwhelmed with what we could do with science.

You will need to acquire your old high school and college transcripts in order to apply to your chosen college. Once you have chosen your college, applied, and been accepted you will need to find an academic advisor. Your advisor can help you figure out which of your previous college credits. Decide whether you want to go to school part-time or full-time. If you have been out of the game for a while, you haven't been to school in a long time, you may want to start by going part-time to see how you can handle the course work. Once you have gotten into school you may want to come up with some goals in order to be successful.

Learning to be compassionate is extremely important to becoming a good nurse. Sometimes compassion must begin as something small and grow until it becomes a lasting part of a person's life. Empathy and compassion can be the difference between a good nurse and nursing experience, and a bad one. One example of an influential nurse is Dorthea Dix. Unlike many nurses who work exclusively with the physically ill, Dorthea was extremely important in regards to nursing the mentally ill. She was dedicated to helping people with mental illnesses to be treated well and to receive the best care available.

The idea of clones kind of scares us and yet that is what we force in our system today. It is just a breeding ground for similar thinking. So why not choose a path that could lead to creative thinking such as an art director, musician, or photographer? Sometimes these positions are not as respected in our culture and are becoming more and more of a hobby than actual prestigious positions. This may lead to huge concerns in the future as we begin to see a homogenous way of thinking that begins to destroy society inside and out.

If you want to get your degree but are still worried about time restraints, family, and other obligations then maybe an online degree would better fit your life and schedule. Receiving your education online is a great way to go if you do not have the time or the means to attend classes.

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