Ten Common Mistakes Photographers Make

By Hedrick Lepsch

One of the many resources available to students is their fellow students. Those individuals who create and take full advantage of study groups and group learning activities will be better able to propel their academic careers and find success in learning the material.

Tip One: Start preparing from day one. From the very first day of class, start paying attention. You never know what will pop up on tests, so start taking notes from day one. Keep up on homework. Actually do your homework. Homework helps you prepare for tests. They hint at the teacher's style of thinking, questioning, and tell you what the teacher thinks is important.

Tip Two: Hand in hand with step one is step two - taking notes. Take good notes! You may think you have perfect memory or that you would never forget that simple fact, but let's face it. You always forget. Or get confused. Or mix things up. Just write down the things you learn. Writing not only keeps information "in storage" for you, but the act of writing helps your brain with memory retention. So write, write, write! And make sure you will understand it later. Don't write in abbreviations or code if you can help it. (Because you will probably forget your clever cypher later on.)

Tip Three: Always review. It's never too early to start studying for a test. Even if you just casually look over your notes every once in a while, the repetition will help you remember and actually learn! If your instructor offers a study guide or sample questions, take advantage of them. Let them guide your studies, but don't rule out everything else. You never know what kind of information may slip into the test.

Ninth- Not having enough memory card can really put a beginner in a bind because they really can't take the pictures they want until the other cards up. Cards are really not that expensive now days so it is a good idea to have a small inventory for your photography needs. Tenth- Using a bad editing program can be as bad as using a cheap camera. It is important to do your research before jumping into a system that won't work the way you want it to.

After the complications of dealing with the human aspect to group work has been accomplished, then the group can focus on the practical steps that will make their group more effective and successful. Such practical measures to a successful group include keeping meeting times short in length and regular in occurrence as well as focused on goals and continually striving to learn the material.

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