Work At Home Business - Process Property Tax Appeals!

By G. Evers

Property tax assessment values can be quite arbitrary and loopholes allow for large property tax reductions resulting in thousands of dollars in tax savings. The National Taxpayers Union writes that as many as 60% of all homeowners are over-assessed.

In the real estate property tax consulting business you look for houses that sold for less than your client's. In a sense you are a financial detective. The taxpaying homeowner has little time and lack the know how to challenge the tax assessor. Homeowners need a property tax consultant and this makes for a great work at home opportunity.

Just about any homeowner or property manager can use the service and is a candidate for the service. Just about every homeowner will want to sign up. A few basic forms proving the reduced market value and follow up will pave your way to earning an amazing income.

Doctors, lawyer's accountants, appraisers and financial planners have something in common. They all have broad client bases and word of mouth fosters growth. Most people will welcome someone looking over their shoulders to analyze their property tax bill.

When you sign a client, they agree to a contingency fee based on you winning the case. When you win your client's case and say you save them $2,000 in their tax, you'll see a $2,000 commission spread over 2 or 3 years (however you set it up in your contract). A small upfront fee is also normally charged for a basic analysis.

Something seems to have happened to the mind set of state and local governments. They are on a continuous spending binge. Recent national figures show higher payroll figures and larger budgets. This means continuous aggravation to the homeowner taxpayer by passing on large tax increases and makes for an easy selling proposition.

Every number of years, when property values on a town's record keeping tax role seem to get out of line, a municipal-wide appraisal is made. It's called a mass appraisal and usually is done every 7 to 15 years.

The town will not hire an appraiser to do the job of individually assessing the value of a home. It would be too expensive. Mass appraisals are bid on and the lowest bid wins. Usually a walk around and look see is all that takes place in this type of blanket appraisal.

The appraisal done by a blanket appraiser needs a hard look. Observations are recorded on a property record card. Sometimes only a drive by occurs where notes are taken if the property has changed since the last mass appraisal. Ask yourself how much scrutiny can be given to a property when the low bidder needs to make a profit on top of his $15 per home winning bid. Also, the information gathering personal hired may have questionable observation skills.

The homeowner needs help to check the blanket appraisers figure and to account for changes in market values. Because taxpaying homeowners are stressed for time and lack know how they need someone's help.

Unless government tightens its belt, higher taxes one way or another are inevitable. Until that happens, this work at home business service will be in high demand. As long as high taxes continue, the services of a property tax consultant will be eagerly sought.

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